Well, I've not done very well with the new blogging malarky have i? Bad me. I shall give myself a stern talking to forthwith!
I'm at work at the moment, pretending to work, when in fact I'm just sneakily cruising the net while people are out of the room. I probably wouldn't like me as an employee, given all the evidence of my net based skiving and my general grouchy demeanour. That's probably why when i tried working for myself, I didn't get a whole lot done, other than making fish finger and cheese sandwiches and learning the finer points of Bargain Hunt.
Got to try and lose some weight again, after I've put on all the weight i lost before Download. Really shouldn't have gorged for two weeks, in hindsight. Though i really should try and find a sporting activity that I can keep up, but as everything i find enjoyable involves sitting down (or laying down) it's not looking good. I wouldn't mind finding quite an active job, but as I'm now in the jewellery shop or sitting on my arse all day in an office, I don't think that will happen either. Ideally, I could find an active job that i could work nights, but I don't think there's a massive list of those. Maybe stacking shelves in a supermarket overnight, but its not the most lavishly paid career.....
More later, I'm packing up and leaving work! It's taken me all day to stealthily write this post. I really must get back to rambling!
Comme ça passe vite... Vingt-cinq ans déjà...
10 months ago
I'm sitting here, at work, reading this, man, what a pair we make!
heheheh Just thrilling jobs all round! There will probably be more today....
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