Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Throwing Down the Challenge

It has recently come to my attention that I have not been posting with a discipline driven regularity, and would like to take this month to rectify this terrible imbalance. Therefore i plan to post every day for a month, then hopefully i will have got into the habit of posting more. So, readers, come with me now and plunge headfirst into what is my extremely dull and mediocre life....

Today seemed the best day to start this, as it's a brand new shiny month, and it just so happens I've moved offices at work, and now I'm in a private little corner where i can surreptitiously blog to my heart's content. There's also that 'back to school' vibe going on, which is especially nice as I'm not going back to school! I always did love getting new stationary.

I started the day by connecting up my computer, then set about bringing all my stuff from my old office to this one. It's a bit ridiculous really, the office i was previously occupying used to be a coffee lounge until about three years ago (what's wrong with a tea lounge??), when the coffee lounge was moved upstairs and it was made into an office. Now, for some reason, after three years or so, people have decided that they want their coffee lounge back. Madness. So I've been shunted to the back of Reception, where, like at this instant, when the receptionist goes walkabout and the phone rings, I'm obliged to answer it. I try to resist the impulse. But yeah, on the whole, its a nice little place to work. No one can see my computer screen, i have better mobile phone signal and i can generally waft about getting on with my own work and watch other people getting fraught and worried about things that have nothing to do with me. I've suitably arranged my desk with a series of mascots, such as my origami penguin collection, and my most recent acquisition of a really groovy MarioKart toy of Yoshi. I'm the height of cool....

I've also found the resting place of the worlds largest consignment of rubberbands, in my top drawer of my new desk. I don't think anyone knows they are here, so they will soon be fashioned into a massive rubber band ball of epic proportions. Watch this space....

In fact, I've got quite a lot to do that my actual work will get in the way of. I've got blog posts to write, Facebook to look at, the rubber band ball to construct. I might even bring a plant in and meticulously care for that, monitor its growth, etc. Ooooh, maybe a sunflower....

Seems a shame that i only work here two days a week now! Though I'm sure that will wear off quickly. Though i might bump it up to three days, and three days working at the jewellery shop, so I'm pulling a six day week. Might be worth it, as this job ends in December (supposedly) so i could do with the dosh. Also, seeing as I am working three days a week at the shop, that means no internet access while I'm there, so I will have to put extra effort in to getting a post done. Monday will be ok, as will Tuesday and Wednesday, cuz I'm working here, though Tuesday evening i see my best mate and Wednesday night I see J, Thursday I can post in the evening, but Friday I go straight from the shop to see J, ditto Saturday. Sunday is ok, but i might have to cram a week.s worth of other activites into Sunday. Other than that, I've got jewellery to make for a Valentine's exhibition, a halloween costume to finish, and various paintings that i want to do. Add to that general chores like washing and tidying, cleaning out my piggies, oh, and throw in showering, eating and sleeping. Though I suppose I can take the time i spend/waste playing bejewelled blitz on Facebook to do some stuff. It's quite sad, I'm getting rather good at it.

So thats it, a post a day til October. Kinda like that MoFoBlows, but, you know, just me and not a bunch of conformists. Nothing ever happens in November anyway.
Oh, and while I've been busily not blogging, J and I celebrated a year of going out. I say celebrated, I mentioned it once or twice, we never mentioned it again and we had a chinese. Romantic. But year, A year ago since i was accosted by a bloke that i couldnt remember. Aaaaaah memories!


Unknown said...

Yay for more pidgey presence! It sounds like it's been a great year for you, ducks. A car with all its wheels pointing in the right direction. A boy who is pointing his attention in the right direction. Not one, but two jobs, plus the jewelry, and an origami penguin army. Who could ask for anything more. :-)

stinkypaw said...

Happy to see you back!

You've been keeping busy, that's for sure, and FYI something does happen in November! My birthday, hello!!!

Purple Pigeon said...

Marius - well, other than ask for a body of a model, probably not much more!

Stinkypaw - I realised after i posted it that it was your bday in Nov. Doh! You save the entire month!